
Thad DeFauw Interview

How old were you when you first went hiking and who took you? How did it turn out?

My first real hike was probably when I was 23 years old and I was visiting my former college roommate who was living in Reno, NV at the time. He took me on a hike to some alpine lakes in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and I remember being surprised to find snow on the trail in April or May. The hike was tiring but very beautiful. I remember eating ravenously at an all you can eat buffet in Reno afterwards. 

What draws you to hiking and the greater outdoors in general?

I'm drawn to the outdoors because communing with nature brings me a sense of peace. I love to hike with my partner, and on group events that I participate or lead.

To date, what is the hardest outdoor adventure you've had to tackle, and why?

One of the hardest hikes I remember was doing Mount Timpanogas, close to a 12,000 peak in Utah for my 30th birthday. This was in early July 2000, and we didn't expect to come across a snow pack at 10,000 feet. This, in addition to being out of breath due to altitude made us decide to turn around because we were too tired to continue. It was slightly embarassing to see two teenagers jog pass us up the mountain and then pass us on the way back down, but there's no shame in turning around when you need to. We did go back Labor Day the following year and did the mountain. Another, although not necessarily difficult, but slightly scary outdoor adventure was getting lost in Greenland by myself. Fortunately, it was 24 hour daylight, I was able to drink directly from a stream due to its purity, and I was able to essentially follow the coastline back.

What is your favorite survival tip?

I guess my favorite survival tip would be to be prepared for a trip, including bringing the right clothing [including layers], food, water, first aid kit, and of course, knowing one's limits and turning around when necessary.

What is your favorite state highpoint and why? How many have you climbed?

My favorite US highpoint would be our local Mt. Washington, Unfortunately, to date, the only other US highpoints that I've climbed would be Mount Mitchell in North Carolina, and Mauna Kea in Hawaii [if taking a van to the top counts].  

What is your favorite trail snack? 

Trail mix and chocolate covered coffee beans.

What is your favorite national park or forest, and why? 

My favorite national park or forest would be the White Mountain National Forest, as it's my local playground. Some other national parks that I found to be magical were Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.  

What is your favorite outdoor retail shop and why?

Probably the local outdoor store in Plymouth, NH.

What is your dream international adventure and why?

Goin to Tibet and Nepal, going back to Peru and hiking the Inca trail, and going to Antarctica. 

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