DATE: Sep 14, 2024 to Sep 14, 2024
4000 Footer 9/11 Memorial Hike

Meeting Time: 9:00 AM

Event Coordinator: nhclimber03264
Woodstock , NH

Max # People: 25

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Strenuous


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” — Henry David Thoreau, Walden.


September 14th, 2024 – Flags on the 48

Mt Moosilauke Loop: Via the Beaver Brook and Benton Trails.

  • Elevation (highest point) 4817ft – Mt Moosilauke
  • Distance to highest point  3.3 miles
  • Total trip distance 6.4 miles.

This trip is considered STRENUOUS.

  • Steep grade (up),
  • distance,
  • pace (consistent and steady),
  • exposure, weather, and possible winter conditions.
  • A portion of this trip is exposed above tree line, there is no shelter or alternate routes.

The group will meet at the Beaver Brook Parking area located on Route 112 at 9 am and depart by 9:20.

Trail Details and Distances:

            The Beaver Brook trail is steep access to Moosilauke and affords amazing views and access to several waterfalls. The trail will level out once reaching the ridge. If time and weather allow the trip may include the search for a WWII bomber that crashed near the summit. This hike also is scheduled as a memorial to September 11th and many people will gather to mark the occasion. The group will travel down the Benton Trail which is far more gentler than the Beaver Brook ascent. 

PREPARATION/WHAT TO BRING: White Mountains can and do have unpredictable and extreme weather changes year-round. Do not be fooled by lower-elevation weather. Weather in higher elevations can be very tricky and unstable. A major portion of this trip is exposed above the tree line, there is no shelter or water access.

It is recommended that hikers:

  • Have extra dry clothing, sun, and wind protection.
  • Minimum of 2 liters of water
  • Expect possible winter conditions.
  • If you need suggestions on what to bring, PLEASE ASK!!


For this trip, it is important to bring along flexibility, patience, and a sense of humor.

Group Size: It is not fun leaving folks out of trips.

  • PLEASE cancel so others may join. If you are on the waiting list, please contact me the days before the trip, most likely there is room and if needed this trial will allow us to break the group into smaller groups. 
  • Decreasing the impact to the environment is always a priority! Above the tree line, it is vital to stick to the paths and rocks. Do not stray.
  • Please plan to “carry in and carry out” all items. It may also be possible to collect other hikers’ debris along the way.

Weather: The weather for this trip will be monitored the week prior. If it is a concern any updates or cancellation information will be posted by the Friday prior to 6 pm. If it is a cancellation, it will include a rescheduled date so participants can watch for that opportunity.

For weather details;


Safety is a priority! Any time a hiker is injured or lost a HUGE team of volunteers is dispatched to aid in the search and rescue efforts.

  • No one wants to be injured or put others in harm’s way.
  • Always be prepared. Know your limits.
  • Any questions feel free to contact the trip leader DIRECTLY.


After the trip social: Social gathering is possible and welcome. There are several food and beverage options. Pizza and tailgate gatherings could be arranged if folks wish to do so. Discussion is open to possible overnight arrangements.

Resources used to plan this trip:



The group will meet at the Beaver Brook Parking area located on Route 112 at 9 am and depart by 9:20.


Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

Group will meet at the Beaver Brook Parking area located on Route 112 at 9 am and depart by 9:20.

Where to meet: Trailhead is approximately 6 miles west of Lincoln NH (Exit 32)

If you need food, fuel, or a bathroom stop at Exit 26, on Route 25 is an Irving station with food and fuel. Be advised that prices will be affordable compared to Lincoln NH

**Because of trip preparation the trip leader is unable to provide a ride for this trip.