DATE: Jun 28, 2024 to Jun 28, 2024
Social MeetUp Social Bonfire

Meeting Time: 7:00 PM

Event Coordinator: Twigs
Townsend, MA

Max # People: 15

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Easy

Come out enjoy a bonfire this is a boyb event. Plenty of wood to burn. Enjoy the company of other members without the hassle of the early meetups and sweating on hard climbs. They property is large enough if anyone wants to bring their tents and spend the nite. Or there sleeping great and find a spot on the floor in the house.

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:
Address will be giving when event gets closer. But if your trying to figure out driving times please use the Townsend, ma Police station as a ball park travel distance.