DATE: Dec 22, 2012 to Dec 22, 2012
Hiking/Walk Pre Christmas Hike at Great Falls

Meeting Time: 1:00 PM

Event Coordinator: NoVaRob
Washington, DC

Max # People: 20

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Moderate


 We'd like to get in a little hike before the holidays and you're invited to join us. We'll hike the Billy Goat Trail loop A on the Maryland side of Great Falls. This is a moderate hike of about 4 miles along the river with some good views. The park offers a number of other trail options should we decide conditions are not good on the Billy Goat. We can retire to a local  watering hole for after hike refreshments.

Description: This is a moderate 4 mile hike minutes from the hustle and bustle of our nation’s capitol. It’s a great place to take the family and for beginners to develop their “hiking legs”. For a place so close to a major metropolis there is so much …. wild power and natural beauty here as you watch the Potomac force its way through the rocky crags of Great Falls and the narrows just above Mather’s Gorge. As you walk along you can witness extreme sports firsthand, White Water Kayaking and Rock Climbing, and at the same time study the micro-ecosystems of the never ending vernal pools scattered along Billy Goat Trail. On the return leg you can take in the history of the canal. All of this power and beauty has its price: crowds. Since the C&O Canal runs straight through the middle of the park any reasonably suitable day for being outdoors will bring throngs of walkers, hikers, joggers and bikers to the park. Try to get there early. Then, at least, you’ll only have to deal with the crowds as you walk along the towpath back to your cars.


Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

 We'll meet in the parking lot near Great Falls Tavern at the end of MacArthur Blvd at 1:00 on Saturday the 22nd. We'll start the hike by 1:15. There may be a $5 per car fee to enter. The tavern address is 11710 MacArthur Blvd, Potomac, MD 20854.